
We are the Reference Record, a platform dedicated to recording and documenting information of individuals, students, and enthusiasts in an organized and structured manner. We strive to provide a safe and reliable environment for everyone to securely store their academic, scientific, professional, and personal data in an easily accessible manner. Our key features include recording academic documents, results, academic records, and personal information, facilitating the monitoring of individuals' progress for job applications, appointments, and cognitive performance analysis. With our simple and user-friendly design and robust technology, we aim to achieve a comfortable and efficient experience for all users.

The Reference Record is a global provider of primary source verification. The "Reference Record" collaborates with clients in both the public and private sectors to help mitigate potential risks by detecting fraud and forgery in:

- Educational certificates
- Experience certificates
- Licenses
- Professional practice
- Permits
- Public documents

Ensuring the integrity of appointment decisions is the goal, and the Reference Record uses multiple techniques and benefits from a wide network of hundreds of issuing authorities in many countries to verify the authenticity of documents submitted by beneficiaries.

The Reference Record conducts numerous verification operations for students, professionals, and enthusiasts annually, on behalf of hundreds of government, semi-governmental, licensing authorities, universities, training centers, institutes, academies, unions, companies, and others worldwide. The Reference Record collaborates with:

- Ministries
- Licensing authorities
- Health entities
- Educational facilities
- Unions
- Business sectors
- Research and study sectors